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Sickle Cell Disease

(by the numbers)

people affected around the world

30 M

preventable deaths every year


shorter life expectancy


of hospitalization each year

13+ DAYS

in lifetime treatment costs

$1M - $9M

Home: Our Technology

Now's the Time: Innovating Sickle Cell Monitoring

Change in Tide of Historic Underinvestment

Investment into health equity and access in recent years, in response to a national reckoning around racial injustice, has impacted funding and investment into Sickle Cell Disease.

Pandemic-Driven Needs for Remote Care

The Covid pandemic has demonstrated the need for and promise for decentralized models of care and access.

Advances in Technology

Exponential advances in AI have made it possible to process the amount of data our system is capable of in a short amount of time.

Evolving Pharmacotherapeutic Landscape

There are only few FDA-approved drugs to treat SCD, illustrating the high unmet need for new therapies. The presence of strong key market players with strong pipelines predicts market growth.

Bridging the Divide

Decrease in childhood mortality in low-income countries by Increasing access to affordable and accurate lifesaving diagnostics at birth.


Significantly improve quality of life for patients living with sickle cell disease in the U.S. and other high-income countries by preventing debilitating sickling crises.


Accelerate much-needed research for sickle cell disease by building first of its kind database of 3D-phase images of sickle cells.

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